Morclean Bear is Presented with the Green Apple Award

Morclean Bear with his Green Apple Award 2014 Certificate
Morclean Bear was a happy little chap when we bought his Certificate and Award to the office this week. Morclean Bear didn't quite make the journey to London (he's not as adventurous as Paddington), but he was still ecstatic with the prizes he received from Green Apple!
The Green Apple Award, awarded to Morclean 2014!
 Morclean were awarded the Green Apple Award 2014 for their innovation in bin cleaning machines. The Binwash CITY is a battery operated bin cleaning machine which takes cleaning to the next level. With a hydraulic lift and attached pressure washer hose, the machine makes bin cleaning easy, and means you can reap the rewards in the process, earning up to £160,000 per year from just ONE machine.
Morclean Bear with his hands in the air - celebrating the win
For further information on the Morclean binwash CITY, please visit our website or call 0800 1300 402.
