Morclean Bin Wash Machines, for Entrepreneurial Start-Up's & Established...
Our range of residential, commercial and industrial bin wash machines cater for every business need. Whatever the size or structure of your bin cleaning venture, there is a solution that will compliment your budget, your schedule, and your needs. Our new animated video provides you with a snappy overview of some of the bin cleaning equipment we manufacture and supply, but we have even more models to offer on our website . Due to market demand, our newest model - the Swift 150 - launching this summer, this compact machine will provide an entry-level wheelie bin cleaning option for new start-ups and small firms. To check out our complete range, head on over to our upgraded website at , or talk to one of our representatives, on 01246 471147, who will talk you through the various machines to help you find the right machine for your business model.