"The Morclean Van" - COMING TO A TOWN NEAR YOU

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morclean car cleaning washing machine chemicals for sale derbyshire chesterfield

We wanted to share a few sneak peek shots of our new sales van, which you will find Dave P driving around in. Below, you can find a map of where he is on what day!

The new van is kitted out with our 'deal of the month' item, as well as chemicals, washes, waxes and various cleaning equipment available from Morclean. So any car washes or businesses which require cleaning chemicals by the bucket load, Dave P is your man!

I'll keep you further updated with more Dave P and 'The Morclean Van' news when I can, but until then, if you require any further information on the Morclean Local service, please call 0800 1300 402.

morclean car cleaning washing machine chemicals for sale derbyshire chesterfield
