The work continues...

You will have seen in my previous posts, that there's a lot of excitement at Morclean over the new extension buildings. We are having to make room for many more machines, and to make space in our workshop and showroom downstairs. 

Here's a little show reel of the work that has been going on...

The arrival of A LOT of cement.
Got a long way to go to get all this lot covered!

Cement Chute. If you look very carefully you might spot the Mysterious Marketing Girl.
I didn't envy wheeling it back and forth - these guys were working so hard!
Now to Smo-o-oth it out. 
It's amazing how something can look so messy and slushy and then be smoothed out so beautifully. Wizardry, I say. 

How bad do you want to make a hand print in that and pretend you're on Hollywood Boulevard? 

Then, THIS arrived! This is going to house some of our specialist and industrial cleaning equipment. 
Carefully over the fence - didn't want to get in the way of this!

Expertly placed in our newly refurbished back yard.
View from the inside. Hi, Charles!

And so, the work continues! More pictures to follow of our oh-so-neatly smoothed out yard and it's developments!
