This is a Cold Water 4000 psi jetter built in the old fashioned way. A heavy duty pump and large motor, it was a great machine, but extremely heavy! One of the old-style three colour vans, not in very good shape! ( Sounds familiar .) It's being repaired in the garage on the farm , after being in a minor accident. We have a large fleet of Morclean vans nowadays to get up and down the country, and even then we had four Morclean vans for sales and service of pressure washers, but mainly for Derbyshire, Nottingham and South Yorkshire. We get about a bit now, you see. The final picture this fine Wednesday is a beauty shot of the farm, where many of our machines were built and tested in the early days. One of the four old vans can be spotted, and a few other old cars. Nice view of the Derbyshire countryside, too! That's enough nostalgia for one day, see you again next week.