New Wash Tank Design for Site in Manchester

The final handover of this brand new Wash Tank to the site managers in Manchester happened just last week! 

Morclean have been busy installing this Wash Tank, which is a new design for this year. Using our very own R&D department and 3D CAD, Morclean have re-designed the Wash Bay Tanks and made several improvements. It is ideal for washing factory parts and components.

The site we visited is a paint production factory - which, as you can imagine - can be messy work at times!

The Wash Tank was specifically for washing barrels and containers that are used a lot in this factory. What is very important is that the water is contained and captured, so it can be disposed of safely and by proper means. The Wash Bay prevents any waste water escaping. 

The entire washing area is completely water tight, and self contained. The screens around the washing area prevent any overspray escaping into the surrounding area. Some paints can be made using chemicals and components that could be irritating to skin and potentially damaging to the environment, so it is very important that the water is self contained. It is paramount to oblige the legal requirements when it comes to contaminated water and overflows. 

The above ground Wash Tank has a few new advantages, such as the tank is now manufactured from recyclable polyethylene with a GRP grating. Polyethylene requires no painting or surface preparation, and does not rust or deteriorate with marks and scratches. The entire Wash Tank could be moved to a different location if required - and would now be much lighter when doing so due to the lighter manufacturing material. It is also resistant to chemicals and detergents, which is good to know in a factory setting when these items could be often used. 

The Morclean Wash Tanks can be installed inside or outside depending on the needs of the business, as they only require a reasonably level concrete base. 

Morclean worked closely with the business to create something that suits the factory and their day to day needs. Morclean manufactured the Wash Tank and then delivered it to the client. The Morclean team then professionally installed the Wash Tank to make sure it is operating to the highest standard. We handed over this week to our happy clients. 

To find out more about the Morclean Wash Tanks please visit our website here:

Also feel free to cal 01246 471147 or email to ask our team any questions you may have. 
