Morclean Proud to Sponsor Matlock Colts Rugby Tour to Italy

 Wow, what a trip!

Our very own MD, Peter Morley, and 32 other excitable rugby Dads, players, coaches, and captains went on tour in Italy last week. Sponsored green hoodies were worn by all displaying the Morclean name and logo.

First Stop, Florence ⚜️

Flying out on Tuesday 18, their first port of call was a 2-night stay in Florence.

The Matlock Colts played against Florence on Wednesday 19 at the Ruffino Rugby Stadium.

The Colts v Florence at Ruffino Rugby Stadium

It was a fantastic match, and the Colts put on a great performance, but Florence were a strong team…

The team captains and coaches presented the opposing teams with Morclean green sponsored hoodies, a plaque, and various gifts; and the Ruffino Rugby Stadium provided both squads with dinner and entertainment in the evening. A good night was had by all!

Stood in front of Michelangelo's David of Florence (left) and Giotto's Campanile in Florence (right)

Second, and Last Stop, Pisa

The Colts then moved on to Pisa, for another 2-night stay.

This time the fired-up team played against Titani Rugby club in Viareggio near Pisa on Friday 21.  An equally exciting and atmospheric match ensued. However, the Colts won this game decidedly! 

The Colts and Titani Rugby Club in Viareggio

Check out more pics here

Once again, team captains and coaches presented the opposing teams with Morclean green sponsored hoodies, a plaque and various gifts; and dinner, celebrations, a BBQ and entertainment were laid on after at Titani Rugby club.

Everyone then met and celebrated in Viareggio at the annual carnival for a memorable night of dancing and colour, with a parade, fiestas, theatre shows and musical comedies taking place, followed by a magnificent fireworks show!

Both Italian teams were strong sides and Matlock Colts played some of their best rugby against tough opponents.

Congratulations to all involved!! 🏉
