Keep Calm and Clean Your Kitchens!

We've just been reading about the Takeaway Owner in Cardiff who deep fried his kitchen utensils instead of washing them. Not suprising that he was recently found guilty of 23 food hygeniene offences for his Kebab shop, which gave 9 people e-coli, and sentenced to 8 months in prison. Offences such as keeping raw meat and bread next to each other in the fridge, raw meat was also kept next to salad, and general unclean surfaces and storage units lead to a small outbreak of e-coli in Cardiff from this one little shop.

Here at Morclean we can advise food outlets and commercial kitchens on the use of vapour steam machines which can eliminate over 99% of bacteria from all types of surfaces with just the use of steam/vapour power, no chemicals needed! 

There's really no excuse in this day for such poor food hygiene in commercial kitchens. The cleaning industry is constantly evolving and moving forward and Morclean are here to help! KEEP CALM AND CALL MORCLEAN!

More information on our commercial and industrial vapour steam units can be found on our website here.
